Monday 6 August 2007

My new dress

I was at a party at the weekend and I got to wear my pretty dress. Not sure what Trinny and Susannah would say about wearing espadrilles with chunky calves though!

Sunday 5 August 2007


I've been trying out solid food. Here's a picture of me in my brand new highchair!

It's a messy business!

Friday 27 July 2007

I'm back

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. I've been very busy moving house.

Sara, Luisa & Joseph came to visit me.

More soon!

Thursday 5 July 2007


I was on my holidays at the weekend and I got to go swimming for the first time! Check out my costume - don't I look cute?

Independence Day

Yesterday was American Independence Day. My cousin Lucy is half American, and my Aunty Abby is fully American. Thought I'd post this message for them to commemorate their special day.......

.....oh yes she will! Hurrah for Jeff Davis and the Southern Confederacy!

Wednesday 27 June 2007

I'm one!

It's a year ago today that my Mum and Dad found out that I had a heartbeat! Here's a picture of me at only 5 weeks old! I didn't have any arms or legs - just a head and a tail! I measured 1.5cm long!

I've grown quite a bit since!

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Sitting up

I can sit up all by myself! Well... for a few seconds anyway!

PS Make sure your computer's sound is turned on!

Monday 25 June 2007

Ladies who lunch

I had lunch with my big cuz Sylvie yesterday. She was very friendly and pleased to see me. I was a bit scared at first, but luckily my Dad was there to give me a cuddle.

Eventually I was brave enough to make a grab for one of her toys!!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2007

MC Chunkalina

I've got a new toy. It's a "Learn and Groove Station" and I can use it to mix up my own disco.

Now there is something missing....

That's better - now let's groove!
Bo Selecta!!!!

Friday 15 June 2007

I'm 4 months old!

Yes, I'm one third of a year old today! I got measured and weighed yesterday, I'm 64cm long and 14lb 8oz!

I'm now in my big girl's cot and my big girl's buggy!

I'm also considering getting a paper round......

Sunday 10 June 2007


Today my Mum and Dad took me to Barassie beach (my Dad was nearly born here apparently!!!). We went for a paddle and saw the tide coming in. It wasn't sunny but it was lovely and warm.

Saturday 9 June 2007


Today I visited my Mum's old stomping ground. It's a place in Ayrshire called Cumnock! I got to see my cousins Alex and Callum.

Then my Gran gave me my bottle.

I also got cuddles with my Great-Gran and Papa!

Wednesday 6 June 2007

My hobbies

This is a video of me indulging in two of my favourite hobbies - chewing my fingers and talking!!!

Monday 4 June 2007

My weekend

I was so busy this weekend! My Mum and Dad went to a wedding in England. My Gran kindly looked after me. Unfortunately my Mum and Dad forgot to ask her to take some photos of me.
Anyway, my Mum and Dad had fun at the wedding. Here's a picture of the happy couple Scott & Gill....

...and here's Ian & Carly..........

......and Billy & Jen.

They all kept my Mum and Dad entertained for the night!

Then on Sunday my Mum and Dad got me a brand new bath. It's much bigger than my old one and it's great to be able to stretch out!

Yes I like it very much!

Now stop taking pictures of me - I'm shy!!!

Thursday 31 May 2007

Day trip

Today my Mum took me out for a shopping trip to Glasgow. We got to go on the train, which was quite exciting. My Mum let me sit up on the big seats so that I could look out of the window.

To be honest it was all quite overwhelming!!

Then we met my Mum's friend Julie (or Jules as she likes to be called) for lunch. I got a cuddle and I was so good - I didn't puke on her once!
All too soon it was time to go home. I was too tired to sit on the big seats in the train on the way home - so instead I had a nap in my pram.

Wednesday 30 May 2007


Today my Grandpa came to visit me. He says that next time he comes he is going to have a go at feeding me and changing my nappy!

Tuesday 29 May 2007

It's a rollover!

I've been practising rolling over. Here goes.....

Ah - managed it! do I get back onto my front?

Monday 28 May 2007

Baby Hannah

Today my Mum & Dad took me to visit a baby who is even younger than me. Her name is Hannah and here she is with her Dad.

She had lots of nice toys to play with. So I waited until she was asleep.....

....then I craftily took the chance to play in them. Here's a picture of me in her bouncy chair!

I also got a cuddle with her Mum!

Off with their heads.......

My Mum & Dad keep making me sit in this thing. As you can see I am not happy. Off with their heads I say.

Well actually, now that I am getting some help to sit here, it's not too bad.

Saturday 26 May 2007

My cousins

I'm a lucky girl and I've got lots of cousins to play with.

First of all there are my big cousins Alex and Callum....

Then there is my other big cousin Sylvie (this was taken when I was just a wee baby).

Then there is my wee cousin Lucy.

Bumbo chair

I like to sleep with my head to the right. A lady's perogative you might say - but trouble is, it has left me with a nasty case of "flat heid". Anyway, my mum got me a bumbo chair to help me learn to sit up and help. But as you can see, I still like to lean to my right!

My birth

This is my picture of me with my Mum after I was born - I was only an hour old. Doesn't my Mum look rough? Although she wants me to tell you that, in her defence, she hadn't slept for 2 days - and apparently it is all my fault. Still, you think she could have taken that horrible hospital gown off for our first photo together. Mothers eh!!!

This is me when I was only 2 hours old.

And this is me in my first bath.